
Support Cancer Services

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Dyson Cancer Centre
Help support Cancer Services across the hospital site

The RUH provides cancer services to over 500,000 people in the South West and is one of the largest cancer centres in the region.

The purpose Dyson Cancer Centre houses oncology, chemotherapy and anti-cancer treatments and radiotherapy services, a 22-bed inpatient ward with a mix of single rooms and four bed bays, a dedicated pharmacy and our research team and nuclear medicine and physics teams.

Dyson Cancer Centre

The Dyson Cancer Centre will ensure cancer care, treatment, information and support services in our region meet the ever growing demand from people with cancer, their carers and their families. It will help every step of the way through cancer from diagnosis, during treatment, in recovery, and at the end of life.

Donations to Cancer Services cover the whole of the hospital and will also ensure that we are able to make extraordinary contributions to other areas such as Theatres, Gynaecology, Urology, and Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery to name a few.

Other ways to donate

Donate by post
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To donate by post, please make cheques payable to: RUHX

Please send your donation to:

Royal United Hospitals
Combe Park

In person
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Please visit our office in E12 (Bath & Wessex House) between 9am – 4.30pm, Monday to Friday.

By phone
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You can make a donation over the phone by calling our team on 01225 825691 or donate online.