
Support Critical Care

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Every year, we treat over 800 patients, with a wide variety of medical and surgical conditions.

Our patients are admitted to the Critical Care Unit for various reasons, sometimes planned (e.g. after scheduled surgery) but often as an emergency, from the hospital wards or Emergency Department. A critical illness can cause failure of organ systems (such as the heart, circulation or breathing) and Critical Care involves close monitoring and treatment to support these organs. Each individual patient will have different medical needs and so the particular treatments and methods of organ support given will vary widely.

Our dedicated team of specialist doctors, nurses, therapists and support staff will provide care of the highest standards.  We will always endeavour to communicate clearly with your loved one and their next of kin and will ensure that their wishes our paramount when making decisions about their care.

Other ways to donate

Donate by post
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To donate by post, please make cheques payable to: RUHX

Please send your donation to:

Royal United Hospitals
Combe Park

In person
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Please visit our office in E12 (Bath & Wessex House) between 9am – 4.30pm, Monday to Friday.

By phone
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You can make a donation over the phone by calling our team on 01225 825691 or donate online.