Participate art workshops for patients are currently funded by RUHX.
Art workshops for young patients and their families/carers makes a real difference to their overall experience and hospital stay; which also supports the clinical teams and in turn reduces pressures across the ward. These sessions are so valuable and make such a difference to a child’s experience in hospital. Children often start workshops shy and unsure but leave with huge smiles and an enormous sense of achievement. Inevitably, this makes the whole ward a happier place.
This lovely new treasure island wall display in the Children’s ward playroom has recently been created by the Art at the Heart of RUH artists. So that lots of young patients can add to the scene, making mermaids, bubbles, dolphins, sharks, crabs and a fantastic pirate ship for this group artwork in the ward playroom to help them relax during their time spent there.
Parents of some children that have participated said: “Helped massively to distract from pre-op nerves. Had loads of fun! Wants another op to be able to do it all again. Thank you!”